A modern, provocative comedy by Theresa Rebeck tells the story of four young writers who each pay $5,000 for a ten-week seminar with Leonard, an international literary figure. Under his recklessly brilliant and unorthodox instruction, some thrive and others flounder, alliances are made and broken, sex is used as a weapon and hearts are unmoored. The wordplay is not the only thing that turns vicious as innocence collides with experience in this biting comedy.
Starring: Lauren Beausoleil as Izzy, Brian Caelleigh as Leonard, Vince Eustace as Douglas, Andrea Flowers as Kate, and Eddie Yu as Martin.
Production Team: Directed by Michael Massey, Assistant Directed by Leah Wasylik, Music by Eric Moore, Set/props by Sam Roseman, Costumes by Evelyn-Rose Whitlock
520 N. Western Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Friday, March 13th at 8 pm
Saturday, March 14th at 2 pm and 8 pm
Friday, March 20th at 8 pm
Saturday, March 21st at 2 pm and 8 pm
ADMISSION: $20 at flattiretheatre.org/seminar
RUN TIME: 1 hour and 45 minutes