Fierce Backbone presents the world premiere of AMMO, a dark comedy written by Jeremy Kehoe, directed by Jeffrey Wylie. With 300 million people--and 300 million guns--orbiting each other like good, bad and ugly ingredients in a spaghetti-Western Mexican stand-off, the barrel of a gun is almost certain to nuzzle its nose into the everyday lives of ordinary Americans. AMMO tells the tale of four uniquely American gun-centric stories with each vignette layered in content, circumstance and time, mirroring the randomness of gun violence itself. Their only link? That of "gun" as protagonist.
The cast features the talents of Andrew Blackwood, Holger Moncada, Jr., Ty Lowell, Drew McAuliffe, Andrew Preston and Frank Stasio.
Opens June 5th and runs through June 28th at the Lounge Theatres in Hollywood.Performance times: Thursday, June 5th at 8pm; Saturday, June 14th at 8pm; Friday, June 20th at 6pm; Saturday, June 21st at 10pm; Thursday, June 26th at 8pm; Saturday, June 28th at 6pm