Short Film Will Screen at Hollywood's Famed TLC Chinese Theatres, Sep. 5
"liminal", a dreamlike film by Dan Abramovici about fluid relationships and self identity, will compete in the 2021 Dances With Films Festival at famed Hollywood TLC Chinese Theatres.
The short film explores the mind of Steve, who lives both his past and present concurrently. As time is compressed and he flows through spirals of love and sexuality, Steve finds himself in transition stuck between a family life built on half measures and a desire for a more authentic experience.
"'liminal' is about sexual fluidity and the struggle of having to define oneself and living a life of half measures and false starts," says director Abramovici. "It is a deeply personal story, but one that allows the viewer's unique interpretation and projection."
With a childhood spent in Israel, and adulthood in Canada, Abramovici often found himself adjusting to expectation, both real and imagined, while sliding between definitions on any number of spectrums. "This has shaped a fascination with how we come to choose our masks, whom we wear them for, and what happens when they no longer fit," he muses.
The cinenigmatic use of dance and movement, utilizing images both visceral and intangible, communicates an experience that transcend words.
Abramovici has produced, written and directed several films including the short "Play It Again", the upcoming "Spaceman". And wrote a feature for Netflix "Ben's At Home" that won a Canadian Comedy Award.
"liminal" has recently played at festivals HollyShorts, Raindance, and won Best Short at the Canadian Film Fest. Aside from Dances With Films, it is also playing at the Rhode Island International Film Festival and is set to play at BendFilm.