Hollywood...A world premiere comedy that goes inside your head and says all the things you wish you could say in public - DOWN IN FRONT will have it's press preview on Sunday, June 9th at 6:00pm, and have a total of 6 festival performances, all at The Lounge Theatre, 6201 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90027.
Paul and Sandy go to the theater with two very different goals in mind. Paul's goal: to convince Sandy to go to Chicago by the end of the night. Sandy's goal: to get Paul to relax, watch the play, and not talk about why she won't go to Chicago. In between there's obnoxious seat kickers, talkers, Latin lovers, and a host of insecurities. Inner fantasies and monologues come to life with disastrous effects in this comedy about love, relationships...and people with big heads.
STEVE WAVERLY (Playwright) - A native of Los Angeles with a degree in film, Steve did what every level headed screenwriter does when navigating a Hollywood career: he moved to France. After becoming fluent in French, Steve worked in Paris as a copywriter for the prestigious advertising agency, Young & Rubicam, and later as an award winning copywriter in Brussels, Belgium. Back in Los Angeles, Steve has worked as a screenwriter for both television and film. He wrote an award winning short film, THE INGRATE, starring Kathy Bates, and was recently selected for the Dreamago International Screenwriting Lab, Plume & Pellicule, for his feature script, LOVE & OATMEAL. He has sold several television shows, including a comedy series to Norwegian television (and no, Steve is not fluent in Norwegian!)
DOWN IN FRONT is Steve's first play, and he's thrilled to have it performed at the Hollywood Fringe Festival.
GABRIEAL GRIEGO (Director) - Gabrieal is thrilled to be back at The Hollywood Fringe Festival! Directing credits include 2012 Hollywood Fringe, 'Gayby's Playdate' and 'A Few Good PB&Js'for Fierce Backbone's production of Relations and The Woman in Black, nominated for best play revival by VADA. For film; The Great Fantastic Episode -8,This is How We Roll and Ain't Whistling Dixie. When not directing, Gabrieal loves acting, writing, playing music and performing as a puppeteer for Leslie Gray/Triumvirate Pi Theatre, including pieces for this years Thai New Years Festival, En La Noche for the 2013 Puppet Festival at The Skirball Museum and Cultural Center and last years world premiere puppet performance piece Maudit at Highways in Santa Monica. Gabrieal is also an award winning theatre and film producer.
Festival Dates: Saturday, June 16th at 6:00pm; Saturday, June 22nd at 8:00pm; Friday, June 23rd at 6:00pm; Tuesday, June 25th at 8:00pm and Saturday, June 29th at 10:00pm. Tickets for these shows are all $10.
Tickets are available at www.hollywoodfringe.org/1344 or by calling 818-693-9774.