Hunter's hilarious one-woman show is an eccentric romp through drinking, bad men, and the fabulous dogs who tell her story.
Sarah Hunter's profound and clever comedy, Dogs Are Better Than People, developed & directed by Jessica Lynn Johnson receives a BEST of FEST encore LIVESTREAM performance at Los Angeles's Whitefire Theatre Solofest 2021 on June 12th at 7 p.m. PST. Hunter's hilarious one-woman show is an eccentric romp through drinking, bad men, and the fabulous dogs who tell her story. The tickets are $15.99 and available at:
Sarah Hunter truly believes that Dogs are better than people. God is dog spelled backward after all so in tribute to all dogs in her life over the years, the writer/performer has them tell her story. Lilly the Airedale along with Chiweenie duo, Koa and Louis the Fourteenth and others spill all about her humorous journey beginning with her divorce in Chicago, frustration, bad relationships, to revelation, sobriety and celebration in finding a "working relationship" in sobriety with Matthew, the man who appreciates both her and her dogs.
Sarah Hunter is the other half of Two Heads are Better Productions. She began creating characters and dramas in her neighborhood backyard at age eight back in West Lafayette, Indiana. From graduate school to her time in Los Angeles, Sarah remains a dedicated student of classical and modern theater. She has dubbed Japanese cartoons, done voice-over work, had her original plays produced in Los Angeles and Pasadena as well as being a published short story writer. She continues acting, creating, writing and dreaming.
The most important thing for Sarah is the continuous re-inventing of herself each time she writes another play or TV episode. Working with Sandra Cruze, on TWO HEADS ARE BETTER PRODUCTIONS has allowed her to continue writing episodes and acting, working on her one-woman solo shows which she has presented at Beyond Baroque in Venice, CA and her encore of "Dogs are Better Than People" at the Whitefire Theater in Sherman Oaks. Season one of her multi-award winning web series "We're Not Dead Yet" (WNDY) created with Sandra Cruze is now playing on YouTube.Director, Jessica Lynn Johnson is a published playwright, recipient of BEST NATIONAL SOLO ARTIST AWARD, Board member of the LA Women's Theatre Festival and Founder & CEO of Soaring Solo Theatre Company LLC. For years, Jessica has taught an ongoing FREE weekly solo theatre class, as well as paid private coaching sessions to guide solo artists in the development of their 1 person plays. For over a decade she has "edu-tained" international audiences touring her own 25 character one person shows. Recently, Jessica was thrilled to direct 5 solo artists in the LA Women's Theatre Festival, 17 solo shows in Whitefire Theatre's Solo Fest 2017, and 15 solo shows in the Hollywood Fringe Festival 2017. Over the years, Jessica's solo shows haven taken home TOP OF FRINGE, ENCORE PRODUCER AWARDS, & several other accolades!