She Is The Music To Honors Gracie Abrams And Her All-Female Team
On March 27th, She Is The Music (SITM) will bring together industry leaders at The Peppermint Club in Los Angeles for an evening celebrating 50 impactful women in the music industry. Each of the 50 honorees will share their spotlight with another woman in the business.
Interview: David Melville His New Solo Show HAMLET (SOLUS)
The title role in Shakespeare’s enduring tragedy Hamlet is on the bucket list for many actors wishing to challenge their range of emotions while offering their own interpretation of the iconic role. And in his new solo play, Hamlet (Solus), creator and performer David Melville (pictured), co-founder of Independent Shakespeare Co., plays all the roles while intertwining the text with original songs. I decided to speak with David about his interpretation of the role he has played many times, including why he decided to stress the grief in the story as well as making (the skull of) Yorick an important character, and how the production evolved.