Internationally renowned mystifier Criss Angel will receive two of magic's highest honors on March 2, 2011 in Las Vegas. Criss will be the youngest magician inducted into the IMS Magic Hall of Fame and receive the Elite Diamond Merlin Award for all of his accomplishments. Criss will also be presented with a lifetime achievement award, The World Magic Legacy Award "A Living Legend," at The World of Magic Seminar.
"I'm very honored to be inducted into the Magic Hall Of Fame," says Criss.Previous recipients of the Elite Diamond Merlin Award include Harry Houdini, Harry Blackstone Sr., Harry Blackstone Jr., Harry Kellar, Howard Thurston, Dante, Doug Henning, Richiardi, David Copperfield, Siegfried & Roy, and Penn & Teller."Criss has joined the ranks of the greatest magicians in the world for doing so much for the kids and for magic. I am honored to recognize him for all his accomplishments and support," said Bob Rossi, Executive Producer- World of Magic Seminar.Criss Angel will also be announcing his involvement with The World of Magic Seminar that will tie in his soon to be launched innovative MINDFREAK Magic Academy, the first of its kind school for magicians. Criss Angel will partner with The World of Magic Seminar and embark on an annual search for a teen magician who will be chosen from the many attendees of the new MINDFREAK Magic Academy to host their own show. In addition, every year Criss will present a Teen MINDREAK Award recognizing a junior magician with outstanding future potential.More About Criss Angel
Since the age of six Criss Angel immersed himself in a multitude of art forms, from performance artist and musician to mystifier. His relentless work ethic combined with enormous talent, skill and vision has made Criss one of the most popular magician in the world. Criss Angel has redefined the term "artist" for the 21st Century: He is the creator, executive producer and director of "Criss Angel MINDFREAK" on A&E, writer/director, illusions designer and star of "Criss Angel BeLIEve" the Cirque du Soleil show at the Luxor Hotel & Casino on the Las Vegas strip, a best-selling author, designer of the Criss Angel line of magic kits, CD's and more. He is the most watched Magician in web history and a You Tube sensation with over 38 million views of his "Walk on Water" clip alone. Criss has received numerous awards for his work, including being the first-ever six-time recipient of Magician of the Year as well as Magician of the Century, Magician of the Decade, Innovator of the Decade and the International Lifetime Achievement Award. Criss has also been tireless in his efforts to help children through his BeLIEve Foundation 'BeLIEve Anything is Possible - A JDS Foundation' and has received Male Wish Granter of the Year Award as well as the Chris Greicius Celebrity Award for his work and dedication to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. For more information visit