Viral comedy duo, We Are Thomasse, will be featured in a new documentary from long time collaborator and friend, Grammy-winner Jason Mraz, titled Jason Mraz - Have It All The Movie. The married British-American sketch comedy couple, comprised of Sarah Ann Masse (The American) and Nick Afka Thomas (The Brit), star in a parody commercial they co-wrote with Mraz specifically for the film, which centers around the singer's current hit single "Have It All."
"One thing we've always loved about Jason Mraz and his music is that it combines a sense of humor with positive messaging," Masse said about the duo's experience with the singer. "We strive to do the same with our comedy and having him TRUST us to collaborate with him on this scale is such a gift."
In partnership with Fathom Events and Sirius XM, Jason Mraz - Have It All The Movie will screen nationwide in select cinemas on August 7, 2018.
On the heels of their film debut, We Are Thomasse will return to The Second City Hollywood for their monthly residency on Thursday August 9, 2018 at 9PM PST. The couple will perform 20 fast-paced, high-energy sketches in only 45 minutes. With new works constantly being added to their ever-rotating lineup of sketches, audiences are guaranteed to never see the same show twice.
Tickets for their upcoming show can be purchased through The Second City website:
Tickets for Jason Mraz - Have It All The Movie can be purchased at participating theater box offices or online at
About The Second City Hollywood
Founded in Chicago in 1959, The Second City is one of America's most beloved comedy institutions, boasting an alumni list of superstars and entertaining over 1 million theatregoers around the globe every year.
The Second City Hollywood Studio Theater
6560 Hollywood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90028
(323) 464-8452
About We Are Thomasse
With hints of Monty Python's wackiness and Carol Burnett's wit, We Are Thomasse serves up a unique brand of squeaky clean yet twisted sketch comedy, covering everything from the Revolutionary War to fairy tales to polite sex and all that's in between. The duo is known worldwide, having performed to full houses in Los Angeles, New York, Austin, London, Paris, and Amsterdam, and pulling in over 10 million views on Facebook, Funny or Die, and Youtube with their digital content. For more information, visit