"To Climb a Gold Mountain," an inspiring documentary about the Chinese immigrant experience in early California, will screen as part of the LA Femme International Film Festival on Saturday, Oct. 22.
Executive produced by Alex Azmi and Raymond Bell, directed by Alex Azmi and codirected by Rebecca Hu, and written by David Fulmer, "To Climb a Gold Mountain" traces the lives of four women, tells the stories of four women of Asian descent who lived in America from the 1850s to the present day. The women came from different backgrounds and lived dramatically different lives. Each woman's story represents a distinct theme of struggle and triumph, and ushers in the succeeding story leading up to the present time. The film relates both the tragic and the triumphant, and traces the lives of these heroines that made the Chinese American community in California what it is today.
The screening will be at Laemmle's Music Hall Theatre, Venue 2, 9036 Wilshire Blvd on, Saturday Oct. 22 at Noon, in Beverly Hills. Tickets are available online at www.lafemme.org/festival.