The West Coast Premiere of CHURCH BASEMENT LADIES, which opens May 8th, is a great way to spend Mother's Day. Make CHURCH BASEMENT LADIES, a new musical comedy featuring four distinct characters and their relationships as they organize the food and solve the problems of a rural Minnesota church about to undergo changes in 1965, your Mother's Day treat. Call for speciAl Prices for Mother's Day and bring Mom for a great afternoon.
From the elderly matriarch of the kitchen to the young bride-to-be learning the proper order of things, we see them handle a record breaking Christmas dinner, the funeral of a dear friend, a HawaiIan Easter Fund Raiser, and, of course, a steaming hot July wedding. They stave off potential disasters, share and debate recipes, instruct the young, and keep the Pastor on due course while thoroughly enjoying, (and tolerating) each other as the true "steel magnolias" of the church. Funny and down to earth, audiences will recognize these ladies as they witness the church year unfold from below the house of God. Our production is directed by Curt Wollan who has directed many Broadway shows and all of Dolly Parton's shows at Dollywood.
Performances are through June 7. They are on Fridays and Saturdays at 7:29 pm, and Saturdays and Sundays at 2:00 pm. Saturday performances are on May 9th, 16th and 23rd only. Tickets are $30.00 or $25.00 for adults, and at $27 or $22 for seniors and students. can be purchased by calling the Box Office at (909) 920-4343, or by visiting The Grove's website at Group and fundraising discounts are available. Discounted tickets are only available by calling the Box Office.