The show will offer dreamlike experiences featuring iconic moments, characters and settings, as seen in the beloved ballets and stories from Tchaikovsky's timeless tale.
Beverly Center, Los Angeles' premier shopping and dining destination, is expanding its holiday programming by welcoming "The Immersive Nutcracker," an all-new family-friendly walk-through holiday fairytale experience that combines the best in theatre, VR, and projection from the producers of the Russian Ballet Theatre.
Opening on Friday, November 26 and running through December 31, "The Immersive Nutcracker" will offer dreamlike experiences featuring iconic moments, characters and settings, as seen in the beloved ballets and stories from Tchaikovsky's timeless Nutcracker score.
Guests will step into their favorite holiday ballet and journey through four rooms, including the mysterious Drosselmeyer's chest, Tannenbaums' Grand ballroom, the magnificent Kingdom of Sweets and the glittering magical Christmas tree room. The show will celebrate the holidays, spread cheer and reveal the beauty of storytelling through virtual reality and projection mapping.
The experience will be held on Level 8 of Beverly Center. Tickets are $42 for adults and $30 for children. The presale for "The Immersive Nutcracker" will begin on Tuesday, October 12, with tickets available to the public exclusively on Fever Up on Wednesday, October 13. To register for the presale or to purchase tickets, please visit Fever Ups website by clicking here. "The Immersive Nutcracker" will premiere first at Beverly Center, but will then be offered in select locations throughout the nation, including Taubman's Country Club Plaza in Kansas City, MO.