Each weekly drop-in class is based on the exploration of a global culture, featuring a range of artistic mediums and incorporating art history.
Barnsdall Arts Sundays, a truly unique arts education series, continues virtually for 2021 with weekly sessions slated for February (and onwards). Barnsdall Arts Sundays connects art lovers from around the world via zoom and takes place every Sunday from 10am to noon PST, catering to children, adults and families alike.
Each weekly drop-in class is based on the exploration of a global culture, featuring a range of artistic mediums and incorporating art history. Upcoming classes for February include China: Lunar New Year Dragon Puppet (Feb 7), Medieval Europe: Valentine's Day Illuminated Manuscript Card (Feb 14), West Africa: Akua'Ba Asante People Fertility Figurines (Feb 21) and Nambia: Animal Rock Painting (Feb 28).
Class projects are posted weekly via Barnsdall Park's social media @barnsdallpark along with required materials and zoom access information. All projects are adaptable to simple materials.