NOISES OFF is written by Michael Frayn and directed by Art Manke. The cast features: Nancy Bell (Belinda Blair), Bill Brochtrup (Garry Lejeune), Kandis Chappell (Dotty Otley), Winslow Corbett (Poppy Norton-Taylor), Kaleo Griffith (Lloyd Dallas), Brian Hostenske (Tim Allgood), Timothy Landfield (Frederick Fellowes), Jenn Lyon (Brooke Ashton) and Nick Ullett (Selsdon Mowbray).
Michael Frayn's hilarious backstage farce follows an inept acting troupe as they stumble from bumbling dress rehearsal to disastrous closing night
TICKETS: $20-$54 previews; $28-$64 regular performances. RUNS: Feb. 6 - March 8, 2009
Folino Theatre Center, 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa CA 92626. One block east of South Coast Plaza at the Bristol Street/Avenue of the Arts exit off the San Diego (405) Freeway.