Cirque du Soleil has returned to Los Angeles with a new Big Top show, AMALUNA through May 26, 2019 under the iconic Yellow-and-Blue Grand Chapiteau in the parking lot near Ports O'Call Village on the waterfront in San Pedro. Written and directed by Tony Award-winning director Diane Paulus, Cirque du Soleil's 33rd production AMALUNA is a celebration of love and a tribute to the work and voice of women, centering on a coming-of-age tale for young woman named Miranda.
It is unfortunate that no programs are distributed for patrons, as I do not have the names of the amazing performers when I attended the show. But let me assure you, no matter which performance you attend, I guarantee you will be amazed and dazzled as much as I was!
The thoroughly entertaining and family friendly, surround sound, 360-degree experience begins when the very rotund and comical Maria enters the tent and proceeds to wander around the audience, jabbering all the while in an incomprehensible language.
But that does not matter since her mannerisms perfectly communicate her wants and needs to everyone, especially the much-shorter man who appears and steals her heart, with the two of them frequently appearing in various places around the performance space throughout the show. And with several expertly-handled scene changes, the two bickering lovers manage to have their fair share of attention-grabbing time. I so wish a photo of the two had been given to me so I could share it with you.
During Act 2, these two comic relief characters, once they agree on loving each other, jump into a sailboat with the rotating stage taking them on a 360-degree journey so that all members of the audience are given a complete look at everything going on between them. This is also true during most of the events during the show, as the rotating stage often stops so that the action is centered at each of the tiered audience section, thus giving everyone a center audience seat during the incredibly athletic stunts.
I must admit that the entire production is so dynamically attention-grabbing that I failed to take many notes, as I did not want to miss a moment watching the incredibly athletic performers who often seemed to not have a bone in their bodies as they cavorted on high-flying trapezes and uneven parallel bars, especially a young woman who seemed to actually be a part of the high-flying hoop on which she entertained Miranda, finally getting her to join in to create some of the most spectacular hoop gymnastics I have ever seen.
Throughout AMALUNA, Miranda is swayed by an incredibly talented songstress in a phantasmagorical purple ensemble, accompanied by a hard-rocking band made up entirely of women. The three guitarists rocked the tent with their masterful technique, rivalling any of the greatest guitarists I have ever heard.
Tempting Miranda on her journey is The Serpent, complete with lizard skin and a tail used to great advantage against anyone standing in his way of convincing Miranda to follow the dark path. But in one of the most artistically beautiful moments in AMALUNA, after meeting The Serpent, Miranda jumps into a large water-filled bowl center stage, cavorting in and out of the water
when a handsome young man appears on the other side of the glass. Instantly connected, the two playfully get to know one another in the water until, of course, pulled apart by The Serpent.
Along her path to be reunited with young man who has captivated her heart, Miranda is tempted by a variety of aerialists and gymnasts who fly through the air with the greatest of ease, not to mention their incredibly athletic skills on display as their perfect routines are executed. Many of the floor gymnast routines include men who both act as the balance of tall towers, with three smaller men flying through the air with the seemingly tiny women doing the same. Just how do four people stack themselves without the use of any equipment
other than their own athletic skill? It's a wonder you won't soon forget!
And of course, eventually everything works out for the best for Miranda and her handsome young man, but it's their journey to be together that will capture your attention with the wonder only Cirque du Soleil performers can provide.
AMALUNA is broken into two acts, each approximately one hour long, with a 25-minute break in between during which time you can purchase souvenirs, snack items and drinks as well as take care of other personal needs. Just be advised all items are sale are not inexpensive, with a bag of popcorn priced at $8. Good news if you park in the adjacent parking lot as the evening's fee is only $6 as opposed to the cruise line parking price of $18 per day in the same lot, with credit card payment only accepted upon exit.
Individual seat tickets begin at $45, with more expensive VIP seats available which include better seating and a private lounge in the tent's lobby. Performance continue through May 26. 2019. More information and tickets at
Please note that when you are at the performance, check with the Concierge desk in the tent's lobby in case better seats are available as you can upgrade yours for only $10 more per seat.
Photos courtesy of Cirqule du Soleil