An immersive, participatory, dark comedy from Crooked Grin Productions (2x previous winner of both "Best of Fringe" and "Fringe Encore Award") comes to the Hollywood Fringe Festival this June!
Created by Fringe veteran Matt Soson, Boxing Your Demons is a surreal workout/wellness program led by health and fitness influencers Guy and Sheila Larpen (with their biggest fan / personal assistant, Peter) for an audience of twenty participants. Through a series of proprietary steps involving everything from cardio to smoothies, the Larpens show how to resolve and/or seal away the painful and complex conflicts of hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance inherent to modern American life in just 70 minutes!
This intimate, participatory workshop involves movement and speech from the performers and requests some physical participation from the audience in turn. A minimum of mobility to walk through the space, sit, stand, and hold another audience member's hand is required. Further participation and interaction is optional, though highly encouraged. The performance will be recorded. Cute fitness attire, a smartphone, and personal chakra crystals recommended #lit #innerbeauty #gratitude #cognitivedissonance
Produced by Crooked Grin Productions, hailed by Steven Leigh Morris as "People who know exactly what they're doing...quintessentially theatrical while being cinematic in the same moment." Matt founded Crooked Grin Productions in 2012 (after a successful run at the Fringe), and has been making theatre, film, VR, and other artistic ventures ever since. He is currently working on a site-specific audio narrative app with LA Metro and is a proud graduate of the UCLA School of Theatre, Film, and Television, and the SDCF Observership Program.
Warning: reference to and depiction of violence and abuse, and flashing lights in the performance.
Follow Guy and Sheila on Instagram at @boxingyourdemons
Featuring Ryan Jackson, Allegra Masters, and Matt Soson, with production support from Jess Salans and lighting design by Sohail e. Najafi.