The annual Halloween haunt at Walt Disney Concert Hall features the groundbreaking German horror film, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, starring Werner Krauss, Conrad Veidt and Friedrich Feher. The projection of the 1920 silent movie will be accompanied by a live soundtrack performed by organist Clark Wilson on Sunday, October 30 (the night before Halloween) at 7:30PM.
Directed by Robert Wiene, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is a tale of murder, manipulation and madness. One of the earliest examples of the German Expressionist genre, the terrifying psychological thriller revolves around Cesare (played by a young Conrad Veidt, who later went on to play the evil Nazi general in Casablanca), a somnambulist who can predict the future when his handler, Dr. Caligari, awakens him. In the film, Cesare predicts a murder and by morning the prediction comes true, leading authorities directly to Dr. Caligari and his ward. But, are they culpable or merely the figment of the storyteller's psychosis?Videos