About...Productions presents a concert reading of the critically-acclaimed drama "Properties of Silence", about Mexican poet Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz as part of AxS Festival 2014. Admission is FREE.
Properties of Silence - A concert reading of About...Productions' critically acclaimed drama, presented as part of the Pasadena Arts Council's AxS Festival 2014 in advance of a fully mounted revival set for 2015.
Poetry, science and history spiral out of control as a contemporary Phoenix realtor, her pool contractor husband and the famed 17th century poet Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz meet in a multi-layered dreamscape. Sor Juana, considered the first great Latin American poet, is joined by her confessor who hopes to silence her pen and scientific inquiries. Reality bends as they all confront the nature of their identities and seek a new beginning.
Written by Theresa Chavez, Rose Portillo and Alan Pulner and directed by Theresa Chavez, the reading is set for tonight, Oct. 2 at 7:30 p.m. at the Carrie Hamilton Theatre at The Pasadena Playhouse, 39 S. El Molino Ave., Pasadena CA 91101. Free. Reservations can be made at properties.brownpapertickets.com. For more information, call (626) 396-0920.Videos