The Echo Theater Company presents six world premieres in "The Echo One Acts 2014". See several new plays by hot, award-winning American playwrights - all in a single evening, running today, August 2 through the 24th, 2014.
Commissioned by Chris Fields and The Echo Theater Company, this year's festival includes What Are You Doing On The Bed by Shawna Casey, directed by Jennifer Chambers and starring Garrett Hanson and Sarah Jane Morris; "Say You, Say Me" By Lionel Richie, written by Miki Johnson, directed by Chris Fields and starring Karl Herlinger, Justin Huen, Erin Nicole Washington and Gareth Williams; As We Sleep, written by John Lavachielli, directed by Kevin Hoffer and starring Jennifer Chambers and Michael McColl; Laileen On The Way Down, written by Jen Silverman, directed by Alana Dietze and starring Jesse Fair, Dan Hagen and Carol Locatell; The Optimist, written by Brian Tanen, directed by Amanda Saunders and starring Parker Phillips and Tara Karsian; and General Sherman's Hollow Body, written and directed by Wes Walker and starring Alana Dietz, Jeanette McMahon and Darrett Sanders.