On August 17th, exactly one month from today, the biggest names in Asian entertainment will hit the stage at 88rising's Head In The Clouds Music & Arts Festival in Los Angeles. Today, 88rising announced the full artist lineup, which includes the addition of K?D, Manila Killa, Y2K, Park Hye Jin, Josh Pan, Qrion and Deb Never. They join an all star roster that includes Joji, Rich Brian, Jackson Wang, iKON, and Higher Brothers, amongst many more, which were announced previously. Read more about all the artists here.
Curated by one of Los Angeles' most renowned food purveyors, 626 Night Market, 88rising also shared the first phase of festival vendors today, which includes Squidies, Happy Ice, RKKN, GHOSTIX, Zumo Zuzhi Burrito, Momma Fung & Co, A-sha Foods, Wanderlust, Baohaus, Little Fluffy Head, Masons Den and Bulgogi Taco Truck. More vendors are to be announced in the coming weeks. The festival celebrates the limitless facets of Asian youth culture and will present the largest and most diverse programming from an Asian perspective while carving out many other firsts for Asian entertainment and culture globally. The groundbreaking single day event is projected to attract more than 20K attendees to Los Angeles State Historic Park. Early bird tickets sold-out within an hour and VIP is sold-out as well. Limited GA tickets are still available via www.88rising.com.
Praised by Billboard as "The Asian Hip-Hop Festival You Need To Know," the inaugural Head In The Clouds Festival made a groundbreaking impact last September as the first Asian-centric music festival to launch in the United States. It attracted 10,000 plus attendees and sparked global recognition, further showcasing the powerful influence of 88rising. Revered by the likes of The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, CNN, Forbes, Bloomberg, Billboard, Pitchfork and Los Angeles Times, 88rising is at the forefront of catapulting Asian culture and stories into new dimensions. Refusing to be confined within a single vessel, 88rising has exceptionally executed any and all ideas, while breaking new ground along the way. Best known as the team behind Internet-breaking sensations, including Joji, Rich Brian, Higher Brothers and Keith Ape, 88rising have quickly escalated to selling out world tours, hosting festivals and working with today's biggest stars. "88rising is distinguished by its idiosyncratic tone and it's up-to-the-nanosecond appreciation of hip-hop's youthful, Internet-driven trends," The New Yorker said, in their 8-page long features on CEO Sean Miyashiro and the company. To say that 88rising has their finger on the pulse is an understatement. With 3 million subscribers and more than 1 billion views on their YouTube channel, 88rising's influence is undeniable.