Former Tennis Pro Skylar Strong has 60 minutes to accomplish the 30 most epic goals of her life. If she completes all 30 before turning 30, she might finally find happiness. Because growing up is all about WINNING.
30: 30: 60 premiered at IO West in the 2014 Hollywood Fringe Festival.
Merging tennis match with telethon, birthday party with game show, 30:30:60 digs into themes of fear, loneliness, grief, forgiveness, and the joy of finding small successes. Former tennis pro Skyler has shared everything, including birthday parties, with her twin sister, Summer. The pair were inseparable on and off the tennis court, where they dominated as an Olympic doubles team. But when Summer quits the team and falls into a mysterious depression, Skyler is left to form her identity as a solo person. Shattering conventional narrative, Brashier takes a bold look at the unpredictable process of grief, and the scary challenge of growing up. Inspired by her work as an improviser and sketch writer, and by the Neo-Futurists choose-you-own-adventure style of performance, she hands her fate to the audience as she faces all her fears head-on.
Proceeds benefit Skylight Grief Support Network.
SKYLIGHT is a national not for profit trust that enables children, young people, their family and friends to navigate through times of trauma, loss and grief.