Rookie Productions Presents: 30 Is The New 13, a New Comedy with Music about a successful lawyer turned struggling musician who lives with his grandmother. Critically Acclaimed playwright Suzanne Bressler (New Eyes, Asses & Elephants)and Producer Jennifer Lieberman (Dumpwater Divas, Year of the Slut) team up to launch this new comedy about facing the reality of chasing dreams and having a Bar Mitzvah at 30.
Dana Koellner, Artistic Director of The People's Theatre in Santa Monica and Director/Producer for The Night of The Black Cat- Winner of LA's Best Musical directs the exciting and colorful cast of talented performers. This hilarious and endearing show is making it's world premier a the 2014 Hollywood Fringe Festival. Preview June 9th at 8pm and performances fun June 12that 7pm-June 28th at 7pm at The Ruby Theatre @ The Complex, This is a family friendly show.
30 is the New 13 is the story of Jason, a musician who abandoned his law degree to move in with his grandmother and pursue his lifelong passion. With no record contract in site, he thinks it's probably time to throw in the towel. But then, fresh off her bat-mitzvah, his cousin Rhonnie suggests another option -- an adult Bar Mitzvah. Perfect -- a fast path to score quick money, fund his album and find an agent. And, who knows, maybe finally prove to his family that he is, in fact, an adult?
The cast shines in this coming of age story which explores modern challenges of faith, fame, success, happiness and our collective desire to pursue the career we love. Starring Jeff Asch, David Gironda Jr., Oliviana Marie, Deanne Mencher, Brice Howard and Elaine Kratofil.
30 Is The New 13 features original music written by Jason Mesches and is a Family Friendly production.
Performances Dates:
Preview Monday June 9th 8pm
Thursday June 12, 7pm
Saturday June 14, 5pm
Sunday June 15, 2pm Show
Saturday June 21, 7pm Show
Sunday June 22, 2pm Show
Saturday June 28, 2pm & 7pm Shows
Where: The Ruby Theatre @ The Complex 6476 Santa Monica Boulevard
Additional details at
Photo Credit : Alexandra LeMosle