So many reasons to RUN! Fugitive Songs follows six troubled wanderers through their unique 19-song journeys across America. Matt is in and out of trouble, and finally seeking help. But a broken past keeps driving him deeper... Barrett, unable to handle a choice she's made, runs away, into the mountains. Gavin runs, leaving a lifetime of struggle. But the further he gets from where he's running from, the more his path points towards home.
Joshua drowns his sorrows as he longs to escape his disillusioned life in NYC, and to Shine. Alysha's spends her life ignoring home, until home is turned upside down. Karen can no longer be who she's told... it's time for daddy's little girl to get a little lost, so she can be found. This innovative half-musical/half-hootenanny finds hope and beauty in what is past and what lies ahead. Blending traditional folk music with contemporary pop and gospel, Fugitive Songs offers a new sound for a restless America.