The 24th Street Theatre will present the US premiere of MAN COVETS BIRD, Sept. 19-26. Producer Jay McAdams released a statement on the show, saying:
I've been producing theatre for over 25 years, and the truth is youever really know what you've got until you see it all put together. You always start working on a show with the highest of hopes, but you just never really know if it will all come together until right after tech, meaning right before previews. Theatre is such a collaborative art form with designers and actors and directors and many moving parts that have to fit to fit together.
Well this week we finally put all of the elements of the US Premiere of Man Covets Bird together and found that IT WORKS! Leeav Sofer's music is gorgeous, as is Dan Weingarten's moody lighting. And Andrew Huber's storytelling will melt your heart in Michael Mullen's casual monochrome costume design. Cricket Myers' subtle sound design accompanies and Matt Hill's cool video design.
So now we're excited to share this brand new piece with Preview audiences, 'cuz that's when we get to see it in front of real people! There are four previews to choose from; Sat 9/19 @ 3pm & 7:30pm, Sun 9/20 @ 3pm, and Sat 9/26 @ 3pm. Get your preview tickets.
I'm proud of this one and can't wait to see you here.
This season we're offering two ways for our neighborhood residents to save money while seeing world class art on our stage. (1) This year our Neighborhood Discount rate is $2.40 per ticket. (2) Buy an Admit 24 Family Pass for just $24 and get 24 tickets for $1 a piece! You must be in advance. Purchase online, at the box office or by calling us at 213.745.6516.