Musical by Irving Berlin, David Ives and Paul BlakeBased on the beloved, timeless film, this heartwarming musical adaptation tells the tale of veterans Bob Wallace and Phil Davis who have a successful song and dance act after World War II. With romance in mind, the two follow a duo of beautiful singing sisters en route to their Christmas show at a Vermont lodge, which just happens to be owned by Bob and Phils former army commander. The dazzling score features well known standards including Blue Skies, I Love A Piano, How Deep Is the Ocean and the perennial favorite, White Christmas.
Ages: Entire family
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy’s Wild and Swingin’ Holiday Party
Patchogue Theatre (12/6 - 12/6) | ||
Linda Eder
Patchogue Theatre (4/18 - 4/18) | ||
Debut Theater Company of Long Island (11/15 - 12/8) HOLIDAY SHOW | ||
Anthony Nunziata: A Broadway Italian Christmas
Staller Center for the Arts (12/6 - 12/6) | ||
A Christmas Carol: A Live Radio Play
Hampton Theatre Company (12/13 - 12/13) | ||
Shrek The Musical
CM Performing Arts Center (11/1 - 11/22) | ||
The Addams Family, the Musical
The Gateway (3/14 - 4/13) | ||
Half Time
Theatre Three (5/24 - 6/22) | ||
Greetings by Ton Dudzick
South Shore Theatre Experience (12/13 - 12/13) | ||
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