Based on a true story, The Jackie Mason Musical, begins at a deli in Miami in 1977, where Jackie – a renown 46 year old Comedian,(David R. Gordon), spots twenty-something Ginger (Jackie’s own daughter – comedian Sheba Mason). Along for the ride is her overbearing mom, Mrs. Olivier, and a hilarious cast of off-beat characters. Soon Jackie is wooing her each winter whenever he’s in South Florida churning up laughs with the South Beach set. The trouble is, Jackie is also wooing Trixie (Krystle Gill) - a ravishing young Latina Rascal House server, and Rosa (Vicki Klein) - a senior Rascal House server with attitude - a fact that sends Ginger into romantic distress. After ten years, she becomes pregnant, Jackie denies his paternity just as stardom re-emerges and he is still yearning to be with her, and a complicated relationship begins, including Sheba’s own love for the man she knows is her father and whom she wishes she knew. The original score includes “Ode to the Early Bird Special” and “I Never Met This Yenta”, written by Ginger Reiter, the girl in the eye of the comedic storm.?
Both Sides of a Famous Love Affair: The Jackie Mason Musical had an extremely successful run Off Broadway for three years, followed by sold-out houses at Empire Stage, Fort Lauderdale, BocaBlackBox Center for the Arts, The Stonzek Theater in Palm Beach, and The Skokie Theater in Chicagoland.
Linda Eder
Patchogue Theatre (4/18 - 4/18) | ||
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