Dreamgirls follows the story of an African American, all-girl singing trio from Chicago called "The Dreams" and gives a glimpse to the behind-the-scenes reality of the Entertainment Industry. At first, The Dreams' manager fall in love with the lead singer, Effie. Later, he abandons her, both romantically, and professionally, replacing her with someone thinner. Eventually, Effie manages to recover from the blow and builds a successful career by going solo. In the end, during the group's farewell appearance, Effie is reunited with the Dreams resulting in a happy ending for all.
Saturday, September 9 8:00pm
Sunday, September 10 2:00pm
Wednesday, September 13 2:00pm
Friday, September 15 8:00pm
Saturday, September 16 8:00pm
Sunday, September 17 2:00pm
Wednesday, September 20 7:30pm
Friday September 22 8:00pm
Sunday, September 24 2:00pm
Wednesday, September 27 7:30pm
Friday, September 29 8:00pm
Saturday, September 30 8:00pm
Sunday, October 1 2:00pm
Fri & Sat Evening, Wed Matinee Performances: Regular - $29, Seniors - $27, Students - $22, Children 12&Under - $18, VIP - $40 (VIP Includes choice of beverage and some light snacks)
Sun Matinee Performances: Regular - $29, Seniors - $27, Students - $22,
Children 12&Under - $18, VIP - $35 (VIP Includes choice of beverage and a light snack)
Wed 7:30pm Performance: Regular - $26, Seniors - $24, Students - $20, Children 12&Under - $16
Online and Box Office sales include a fee of $2.00 per Ticket
Photos courtesy of the Noel S. Ruiz Theatre
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