Look up, look down, look all around, and you'll find puppets in Long Island neighborhoods this summer! Audiences across Long Island will see innovative and exciting performances celebrating all puppetry genres as the "Puppets Take Long Island" Festival launches at the Garden City-based Long Island Children's Museum and Goat on a Boat Puppet Theatre in Sag Harbor. The Festival offers a variety of performances, events, exhibitions and workshops from July 8-August 31.
"Puppets Take Long Island" is made possible with funds from the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and the Institute of Museum and Library Services. (Full performance schedule available at puppetstakelongisland.com)
Puppets Take Long Island was developed in response to the Long Island Regional Economic Development Council's call to enhance Long Island's sense of place as a key to attract increased tourism to the region. The Festival will assist in increasing awareness of Long Island as a destination offering high-quality performing arts for families.Pictured: Bonnie Duncan in Squirrel Stole My Underpants.