The NFCT will present Steel Magnolias, a play by Robert Harling. Concerned with a group of gossipy southern ladies in a small-town beauty parlor, the play is alternately hilarious and touching-and, in the end, it draws on their underlying strength and love, which give the play, and its characters, the special quality to make them truly touching, funny and marvelously amiable company in good times and bad.
Show dates are tonight, January 17, 18, 19*,24, 25, 26*, 30; February 1, 2*. All Shows are 8:00 except for Sunday Matinees at 2:30 p.m. (*matinee performance only)
Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at 631-298-NFCT or
For more information contact director Robert Horn (631-744-2976) or producer Babette Cornine (631-871-3908).