LITC brings new and surprising performances to our community. We create cutting-edge adaptations of classic texts-and make those stories new again. We produce visceral modern plays from contemporary voices such as McDonagh, Shepard, and yet-unknown work from the next generation of storytellers right here on Long Island.
Our events often feature live music, visual art, and other surprising opportunities for "stories" to be defined broadly and boldly. We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with artists of any medium, and audiences of any taste. As a collective, we are all LITC: the artists and the audience, the showers and the tellers, the listeners and the supporters.
Counted among Shakespeare's most popular plays, A Midsummer Night's Dream is a whirling comedy that revolves around deeply human topics: love, choice, deception, truth, ambition, and self-awareness. Young lovers rebel against their parents' wishes, magical fairies enchant their unsuspecting pawns, a troupe of amateur actors vies for a stage at the palace, and one loud-mouth makes a very literal ass of himself. LITC's brand new adaptation cuts straight to the heart of this story, and unravels the fun in a way you've never seen before.
By William Shakespeare
Adapted by Ian Sullivan
Directed by the Collective
Scenic Design by Sean Thomas Ward
Lighting Design by Brendan Warner
Makeup Design by Olivia Lively
Production Management by Shannon Zurbrueg