Based on the 1950s film of the same title, this tragic love story revolves around the relationship between Joe Gillis, an out-of-work screenwriter looking to rustle up a buck or two, and Norma Desmond, the faded star of the forgotten silent screen era who lives with her memories and madness in her empty mansion on the fabled Los Angeles street.
When Joe accidentally crosses her path, she sees in him an opportunity to make her comeback to the big screen. Romance and tragedy follow. Sunset Boulevard is a noir musical and one of the greatest Hollywood tales ever told. With such stunning songs as "With One Look”, “As If We Never Said Goodbye" and "Perfect Year", Andrew Lloyd Webber's Sunset Boulevard is a lush romantic tragedy.
Tickets: Fri, Sat, Sun 2:00 pm Performances: Adults - $22 Seniors - $20 Students - $16
Wed, Sun. 7:30 pm Performances: Adults - $18 Seniors/Students - $16
Friday, March 23 8:00 PM
Saturday, March 24 8:00 PM
Sunday, March 25 2:00 PM*
Friday, March 30 8:00 PM
Saturday, March 31 8:00 PM
Sunday, April 1 2:00 PM*
Sunday, April 1 7:00 PM
Wednesday, April 4 7:30 PM
Saturday, April 7 8:00 PM
Wednesday, April 11 2:00 PM**
Wednesday, April 11 7:30 PM
Friday, April 13 8:00 PM
Saturday, April 14 8:00 PM
Sunday, April 15 2:00 PM*
Sunday, April 15 7:00 PM
*Sunday Matinees include complimentary bagels 30 minutes prior to show
**Wednesday Matinee includes complimentary cake and coffee at intermission
For more information or to order tickets please contact the Box Office at
(631) 218-2810 or visit our website at