The exquisite John W Engeman Theater of Northport hosted yet another glorious evening in their ongoing concert series "Broadway Spectrum". During their dark week between shows, the Engeman brings together Broadway performers for a one night engagement. The performers divulge little antidotes about their careers and sing selections from their favorite roles. The incredible cast this time around included Stephanie D'Abruzzo, Sara Jean Ford, Shuler Hensley, Andrew Samonsky, and Emily Skinner.
You never know what you're going to get from this showcase. At some points, they selected little known gems to sing. Sara Jean Ford sang the operatic "Poor Wandering One" from "The Pirates of Penzance" which was beautiful. Also the adorable Stephanie D'Abruzzo sang "Oedipus Rex" and "If I Weren't Married".
Of course, some of their better known songs were performed as well. Andrew Samonsky selected "Younger Than Springtime" from South Pacific as well as a Billy Joel cover of "She's Got A Way". The incredible Shuler Hensley put together a Sweeney Todd medley, sang "Stars" from Les Miserables, and performed "Lonely Room" from Oklahoma!, the show for which he won the Tony Award.
The most heart tugging performance came from Emily Skinner as she sang "My Brother Lived in San Francisco" from "Elegies: For Angles, Punks, and Raging Queens". This was the most emotional performance. Emily also sang one of the most recognizable songs of the night: "Poor Unfortunate Souls" from The Little Mermaid was received with roaring applauds, especially from the children in the audience.
The evening would not be complete without Stephen DeAngelis hosting and Eugene Gwozdz serving as Musical Director and Pianist. They make such a terrific team. DeAngelis is also the casting director for the Engeman. Gwozdz has worked in many Broadway shows and is also the musical director for Anika Noni Rose, Donna McKechnie and Cady Huffman.
The multifarious audience is one of the best parts of the evening. It's truly inspiring to see the younger people in the crowd exposed to classics like Oklahoma!, South Pacific, and Les Miserables. In addition, the audience is able to hear snippets from the newer shows that are hitting Broadway. There is truly something for everyone.