Set in the 1950's, the Pajama Game shows the frustration between management and labor unions, intertwined with a love story of people on opposite sides of the picket line (Babe and Sid with Babe the leader of the strike and Sid one of the heads of management). The show is still a very relevant, especially in the current economy, with businesses trying to cut as much as they can while trying to increase their output of products and overexerting their employees. It is this seemingly timeless struggle that is at the heart of the Pajama Game, and portrayed excellently in this production.
The cast performed excellently together, with Jennifer Collester-Tully as Babe and Steve McCoy as Sid being noteworthy standouts.
Also impressive was the use of the orchestra (directed and conducted by Michael Santangelo), set up to nearly be incorporated with the audience. This idea worked well with the elaborate set design, built in two levels to portray the factory, management office and Babe's apartment.
The production fell slightly short in the costumes department, as a more 50s-inspired theme (and less modern) would have seemed more relevant.
Overall, the Pajama Game is a worthy evening out, so if you're not "Racing With The Clock" go see it before October 29th at Theater Three in Port Jefferson.