After completing its run at Theater 294 in East Farmingdale, Around the World...., a series of one acts set at locations around the world, is being picked up for one additional performance at a new location in Melville.
A version of the show is being performed one night only March 24 at 8 p.m. at Temple Beth Torah, 5 Bagatelle Rd., in Melville,.
"Around the World is playing around Long Island now," said Claude Solnik, who helped organize the event. "If other venues want to present the show, just let us know."
This program, dubbed "Around the World: A Series of One Acts," takes you on a trip around the nation and the world with one act plays set in or about locations such as Manhattan, New Orleans, Florida and Aphrodite's Rock, Cyprus.
Tickets are available for $18 by clicking the Tix. link with half of the price slated to benefit the temple, which presents a wide range of cultural, educational and entertaining events.
RoseMarie Amato, Jennifer Alexander, Aimee Berlin, Dan Bubbeo, Mike Cesarano, Dolores De Poto, Angelo DiBiase, Megan Guida, Vicki Rothman Milach, Mike Park, Maria Pusateri,and Bobbie Ruth appear in the shows.
Jim Black, Robert and Joanne Domingo, Rich Jmenez and Claude Solnik directed the various scenes from the show that debuted at Theater 294.
For additional info. about the event or to present the show as entertainment or a benefit, call 516-404-2960.