Aladdin, with the help of the Genie, tries to earn the love of a beautiful princess. In the heart of an enchanted city, a commoner named Aladdin and his mischievous monkey, Abu, battle to save the free-spirited Princess Jasmine. Aladdin's whole life changes with one rub of a magic lamp as a fun-loving, shape-shifting Genie appears and grants him three wishes, setting him on an incredible journey of discovery. Through his adventures, Aladdin proves that he is a prince where it truly matters most -- on the inside!
Tickets: $12.00 Each
Saturday, August 10 2:00 PM
Monday, August 12 10:00 AM
Thursday, August 15 10:00 AM
Friday, August 16 10:00 AM
Friday, August 16 2:00 PM S
aturday, August 17 2:00 PM
Tuesday, August 20 10:00 AM
Friday, August 23 2:00 PM
Saturday, August 24 11:00 AM
Saturday, August 24 2:00 PM