Directed by Mindy Woodhead, this soul-searching drama journeys into the crisis of belief that is ignited when Paul (Darren Weller) - a dynamic pastor of an Evangelical Christian mega church - announces that hell and Satan do not exist.
Paul's personal epiphany comes after a discussion with a missionary serving in a war-torn country. The missionary relays a tragic, heroic act of sacrifice by a non-Christian, and the missionary's dismay that the young man was a lost soul for not converting to Christianity before dying.
Believing his congregation will be happy to hear there is no hell and good people - whether Christians or not - will be rewarded in the afterlife, Paul must deal with the fallout from his followers who are reluctant to give up long-held beliefs. Even his wife, Elizabeth (Gigi Guizado) is unhappy with his revelation.
"The Christians" won the 2016 Outer Critics Circle Award for Outstanding New Off-Broadway Play. It also features Joe Basso as Joshua; Sabrina Cofield as Jenny; and E. Wayne Worley as Jay.
"This is a play for everyone regardless of your religion," said Woodhouse. "It is neither secular nor religious. It is a play about good people who are struggling to connect to people who have the same faith and yet small differences in their theology drive a wedge between them."
Woodhouse earned a Master of Fine Arts from Harvard and the Moscow Art Theatre. Her acting credits include multiple regional theatres, including Actors Theatre of Louisville, Siti Company, Kennedy Center, and Kentucky Repertory Theatre. She currently teaches acting at the College of Southern Nevada and the Cockroach Theatre Company.
Originally from Australia, Weller, who plays the pastor, trained at The Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane. In 2011, he originated the role of controversial Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in Ron Elisha's "Stainless Steel Rat" in both the Sydney and London productions. Weller has performed professionally around the world, and he also co-wrote and performed in a successful adaptation of Giovanni Boccacio's "The Decameron" for The Old Fitzroy Theatre in Sydney, Australia. "The Christians" will appear at the Art Square Theatre at 1025 S. First St. in the downtown art district. Tickets are $16 and $20. Call (725) 222-9661 for information or visit to purchase tickets.