As Bees In Honey Drown, written by Douglas Carter Beane, stars Christopher Hermening as Evan Wyler, and Tressa Bern as "Alexa Vere de Vere." Other cast members include Will Klundt, Alex Pink, Tina Bonmon, and Heather Schouten, all playing a number of roles. The production is being directed by LVLT veteran director Paul Thornton.
When you hear the words you want to hear, and believe them....what's so wrong with that? The story of As Bees in Honey Drown, the next production from the Las Vegas Little Theatre, is summed up in one of the first lines from the play's central character: a young man gets caught up in a lifestyle that blurs the line between fantasy and reality. Douglas Carter Beane's 1997 play As Bees in Honey Drown is a comedy about the pitfalls of the unquenchable hunger for fame.
Evan Wyler, "hot" young writer, has just finished his debut novel, and has attracted the attention of Alexa Vere de Vere, a woman of mystery who promises to make Evan realize his potential by writing the screenplay of the story of her life. Evan is taken in by Alexa's charm, and zest, and her "connections". But how much of Alexa is real? And how deeply should Evan submerge?
Douglas Carter Beane's As Bees In Honey Drown will be presented March 27 - April 12, 2009, at the Las Vegas Little Theatre, 3920 Schiff Drive, in Las Vegas. Evening shows begin at 8 PM, and Sunday matinees start at 2 PM. Tickets are $22 for adults, and $19 for students and seniors. For more information, and to purchase tickets, please visit, or phone the theatre box office at 362-7996 during Box Office hours.... Mondays 4p-8p, Wednesdays 10a-1p and Saturdays 9a-12p.