Featured is local psycheldelic artist, Heather Kilsdonk.
First Friday Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, has announced that the theme for the February 7, 2025, First Friday is Love is in the Art. The footprint has moved to Main Street with the Art Walk remaining on Boulder Avenue (adjacent to the Arts Factory) and then flowing onto Main Street. This change allows First Friday to stay in the Arts District during the planned construction projects.
The art walk area on Boulder Avenue and First Street will feature an estimated one hundred First Friday artists and craftspeople.
Key elements for this month include:
The First Friday Foundation will post updates and special offers on scheduled First Friday events and other programming through its social media channels – on Facebook at www.facebook.com/firstfridaylasvegas and Twitter @FirstFridayLV. The website, www.ffflv.org, is active and applications for artists and vendors are currently being accepted.