Jimmy Kimmel's Comedy Club at The LINQ Promenade is introducing a new night of comedy appropriately titled, Jill Kimmel Live. The 16-show engagement will take place select Thursdays from Dec. 26, 2019 through July 23, 2020. All shows are scheduled to begin at 10 p.m.
Jill Kimmel Live will be hosted by the outrageously funny, candid and approachable little sister of Jimmy Kimmel. The satirical siblings agreed it'd be fun to share the stage and even the name of their flagship programs.
Jill is using her extensive network of friends, colleagues, and counterparts in comedy to fill the stage with an eclectic and ever-changing group of performers. From week to week, audiences can expect different headliners to follow Jill's act.
"I want the audience to feel like they're just hanging out with me, sharing some laughs like old friends," Jill Kimmel said
Audiences will have the chance to experience some laid back laughs during the 80-minute show on the below dates at 10 p.m.
Tickets to Jill Kimmel Live can be purchased at www.kimmelscomedyclub.com or www.ticketmaster.com/Kimmel, calling (702) 777-2782, in person at any Caesars Entertainment box office or the club's box office located on the first floor of the dual-level venue.