January is National Blood Donor Month and the cast of Evil Dead: The Musical at V Theater inside Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino invite the public to donate during an event on Friday, Jan. 4. United Blood Services will have donor-equipped vans at MaximuM Comics, located at 7950 W. Tropical Parkway, Suite 120, just north of Ann Road, from 3 – 7 p.m. All donors will receive a free pair of tickets to Evil Dead: The Musical and a comic book from MaximuM Comics.
"We use about 20 gallons of manufactured 'blood' during each performance of Evil Dead: The Musical," said Sirc Michaels, the show's producer. "Smaller amounts of the real thing are much more powerful, especially since United Blood Services' existing blood supply is practically depleted during the holidays. Our cast is all local and they understand that the blood that is donated could be used to help a loved one."
Appointments are available every 20 minutes beginning at 3 p.m. and can be made by visiting https://www.bloodhero.com/index.cfm?group=op&step=2&opid=528975.