In a captivating combination, Master Magician Mickey Mouse and the always-dazzling Minnie join forces with professional illusionists for a magical production on stage. Disney Live! presents Mickey's Magic Show features grand illusions and favorite Disney characters, including Donald and Goofy; Cinderella and her Fairy Godmother; Alice in Wonderland and the Mad Hatter; and beloved Disney princesses Jasmine, Belle and Snow White. Disney Live! presents Mickey's Magic Show visits Las Vegas October 9 and 10 for 4 performances at the Orleans Arena.
From the breathtaking levitation of Minnie and Jasmine to the transformation of Cinderella's rags into riches in a split second, Disney Live! presents Mickey's Magic Show gives families a whole new way to experience Disney Magic. Adults and children alike will delight in this stunning spectacle that will keep them in awe from opening to curtain call.
Showtimes are 12:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m., both days. Tickets for Disney Live! presents Mickey's Magic Show, produced by Feld Entertainment, are priced at $18.50, $23.50, $36.50 and $69.50 inclusive of tax and fees. Tickets can be purchased at the Orleans Arena Box Office by calling 702.284.7777 or by visiting
About the Orleans Arena