The international mega hit, "Dancing Queen," produced by David King of Spirit Productions USA, takes center stage in the Showroom at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino beginning Sept. 13.
"We are excited that this glittering show is opening at Planet Hollywood," said King. "The 1970s disco dance celebration will feature a cast of 20 performers, as well as Abba's Greatest Hits and the Biggest Disco Anthems of the era." With its move to Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino, the dynamic show, also known as "the biggest disco party in town," will bring a bigger production and almost double the cast size, providing fans with a great opportunity to enjoy the show. "We are thrilled to welcome 'Dancing Queen' to the Showroom at Planet Hollywood," said Scott Zeiger of Base Entertainment. "David King's plan to build an exciting new production is a perfect addition to the Showroom programming. We are sure that audiences will love the show for a long time to come."Videos