Just back from headlining Celebrity Cruises, standup comedian Don Barnhart brings his hysterically funny comedy show back to Jokesters Comedy Club in Las Vegas. Although the comedian recently filmed his family friendly Dry Bar Comedy Special, his late-night show doesn't pull any punches and he puts it all on the line.
"Don Barnhart is hysterically funny, delivering his well-written topical material with an animated and improvisational flair that's not to be missed. He is a refreshing voice in the standup genre, mixing a blend of sharp, topical insights about our life and the world around us, pushing the boundaries of PC culture without being overtly offensive. Barnhart has often been compared to the sharp, witty insights of George Carlin with the animated expressions of Jim Carey."
Barnhart performs his standup comedy nightly at 10:30pm inside Jokesters Comedy Club at The D Casino on Fremont Street until January 6th when they'll make a move to their new home as the hotel recently announced they will close the showroom in 2020. Mayor Carolyn Goodman proclaimed Jokesters Day in Las Vegas on August 1st celebrating their 1000th show and Barnhart and Jokesters is currently meeting with other venues to continue their long-term residency. Goodman went on to say, "Please keep the laughs coming as we offer best wishes for the next 1,000 shows and beyond."
For years, Barnhart has split his time touring the country headlining at the top comedy clubs, overseas entertaining the troops, performing for colleges and cruise ships. "Having a residency in Las Vegas has allowed me the freedom to really let loose and not hold back", added Barnhart who predominantly works clean, but isn't afraid to push the boundaries. "The main thing is that it's got to be funny!"
Since opening, Jokesters was named "Best New Show" by Vegas.com and received the 2018 "Best of Las Vegas" Comedy Club Silver Award by the Las Vegas Review Journal and is the producer of Jokesters TV Show. Jokesters Comedy Club also showcases comedians from around the world and many that you may have seen on Comedy Central, HBO, The Tonight Show, Conan, Late Night, BET, Showtime, Netflix, The Bob & Tom Show, Howard Stern, YouTube, Amazon and more.
Barnhart also performs a second residency with Hypnomania inside The Spare Room and the Downtown Grand Hotel & Casino. It's an interactive comedy hypnosis show every Wed - Sun at 7:30pm.
Tickets begin at $29.99 and Jokesters offers free valet/validated parking with no drink minimum. Tickets are available at http://www.JokestersLasVegas.com
For more information, please visit http://www.DonBarnhart.com