Comedic roundtable guests from E!'s late night talk show "Chelsea Lately" - Chris Franjola, Jen Kirkman and Brad Wollack - will perform their individual stand-up routines during an evening hosted by Chelsea Handler's assistant Chuy Bravo at the Suncoast Showroom, March 9 and 10.
After years of odd jobs, Bravo has settled into what he hopes will be a lifelong position as the assistant to Chelsea Handler. Bravo can also be seen in "The Honeymooners" and "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End." He recently released his first book, "Little Nuggets of Wisdom: Big Advice from the Small Star of Chelsea Lately."Franjola recently secured a lead role in the scripted comedy series "After Lately." Before working on "Chelsea Lately," Franjola wrote for numerous hit shows, including "Family Guy" and the original "Chelsea Handler Show."Kirkman is also known as the narrator in the cult-hit series "Drunk History" which won the jury prize at Sundance Film Festival and can be viewed at Her latest stand-up album, "Hail to the Freaks" reached No. 13 on the Billboard charts and her first book, "I Can Barely Take Care of Myself," will be released in April 2013.Videos