Re-Animator The Musical tells the bizarre story of Herbert West, a young medical student who has discovered a glowing green serum that can bring the dead back to life...with catastrophic, yet hilarious results.
Based on the cult classic H.P. Lovecraft's The Re-Animator, Variety wrote of the musical "Not since Little Shop of Horrors has a screamfest tuner so deftly balanced seriousness and camp." This award-winning horror comedy is helmed by Stuart Gordon (who also directed the film) and features a splash zone for those who enjoy a little splatter!
Tickets start at $44 and are on sale now at The Smith Center Box Office, located at 361 Symphony Park Avenue, by phone at 702-749-2000 or 808-326-6868 (TTY) and online at For Preferred seating and special rates for groups of 10 or more, contact 702-749-2348.
About The Smith Center for the Performing Arts - The hallmark of downtown Las Vegas' 61-acre urban development known as Symphony Park, The Smith Center for the Performing Arts is a public-private partnership that opened in March 2012. Heralded as the city's Heart of the Arts, The Smith Center is an architectural triumph and long-awaited cultural achievement that educates and entertains the citizens of Southern Nevada. The $470 million world-class performing arts center offers a blend of performances by resident companies, first-run touring attractions, lectures and internationally acclaimed performers in music, theater and dance. The five-acre campus features four performance spaces including the 2,050-seat Reynolds Hall, the 258-seat Cabaret Jazz club, the 250-seat Troesh Studio Theater and the 1.7-acre Donald W. Reynolds Symphony Park for outdoor concerts. Additionally, the campus is home to the Discovery Children's Museum that opened in March 2013. For more information about The Smith Center for the Performing Arts, visit Keep up with news and events on Facebook and follow The Smith Center on Twitter at @SmithCenterLV.