Studio7Arts, a Non Profit Arts Education Program for disadvantaged children, is holding its first event, 'Broadway Comes to The Biggest Little City', this March 16 and 17th at Fascinating Rhythm School of the Performing Arts. Partial proceeds from the weekend will go to SAFF (Sierra Association of Foster Families), Executive Director, Joseph Galata.
The event's celebrity guest teaching artists come from Hit Broadway & TV Shows like Becca Tobin (Star on GLEE! Rock of Ages), Reno Native Angel Reed (Rock of Ages, Saturday Night Fever Nat Tour, Dancing with the Stars), Ericka Hunter (SMASH, Revival of 42nd St, Flower Drum Song, Rockettes), Lauren Molina (Revival of Sweeney Todd 'Johanna', Sondheim's Marry Me a Little, Rock of Ages 'Regina'), Lauren Schmidt (MTV Movie Awards, HBO's Entourage, Las Vegas Divas) and one more artist to be named.This Broadway Intensive weekend is for anyone interested in studying or continuing their studies in music, dance and theater. Or, come take the Q&A Industry Inside class, and ask all the questions you've been wanting to know about the business.
The organization is currently seeking donations for disadvantaged and special needs students to attend this weekend. All donations are tax exempt. If you are interested in giving a donation, attending the work shop, or would like to know more information regarding the Intensive weekend, visit's Upcoming Events page or email the organization directly.
Mission Statement: To bring Broadway Caliber classes to students K-12th grade, Foster Care and disadvantaged children. We believe that No student or child should be prohibited from Arts Education due to budget cuts or economic background. Studio 7Arts will strive to enrich the growing minds of young students by nurturing their outmost artistic abilities through Dance and Musical Theater Classes.
Studio 7Arts will introduce students to the exciting and inspiring world of Broadway through musical theater and dance classes. Students will learn the educational aspects of what it takes to put on a Broadway show and the importance of acting, choreography and vocal performance.