Comedian Tom Dreesen brings his one-man show, "An Evening of Laughter and Memories of Sinatra," to the Suncoast Showroom May 26 and 27.
Dreesen toured the United States for 13 years as the opening act for Frank Sinatra and shares his experiences from the tour in "An Evening of Laughter and Memories of Sinatra." The show is also a retrospective of Dreesen's life as a stand-up comedian.
Sinatra once told an audience, "If I'm a saloon singer, then Tom Dreesen is a saloon comedian." Dreesen and Sinatra remained friends beyond their tour, and on May 20, 1998, Dreesen paid tribute to Sinatra by eulogizing him and serving as a pallbearer at his funeral.
Throughout his career, Dreesen has appeared on numerous television shows, including "The Facts of Life," "Columbo," "Touched by an Angel" and "Rude Awakening." He has also appeared on the big screen in movies including "They Call Me Bruce?," "Spaceballs" and "Man on the Moon."
Showtime each evening is 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available from $15.95, plus tax and fees. Tickets can be purchased at any Coast Casinos box office, by calling 702.636.7075, or visiting