Seussical the Musical brings the enchanting world of Dr. Seuss to life through a delightful blend of humor, unforgettable songs, and rich storytelling. Directed by Zane Champie, this production features a standout performance by AJ Valle as the Cat in the Hat, marking a historic first for the Theatre in the Park. The story follows Horton the Elephant as he defends the tiny Whos and showcases various characters, including JoJo, played by Chloe Roth, navigating their own adventures and dreams. With a unique beanbag seating experience, the show immerses the audience in the vibrant Jungle of Nool, making for an engaging and whimsical holiday outing.
Rhythm India: Bollywood and Beyond
Midwest Trust Center at Johnson County Community College (3/8 - 3/8) | ||
Midwest Trust Center at Johnson County Community College (3/16 - 3/16) | ||
'Our Planet Live – A Netflix Documentary Series' with Dan Tapster
Midwest Trust Center at Johnson County Community College (5/1 - 5/2) | ||
Midwest Trust Center at Johnson County Community College (4/19 - 4/19) | ||
'Dirty Dancing in Concert'
Midwest Trust Center at Johnson County Community College (3/9 - 3/9) | ||
Golda's Balcony, Starring Iris Bahr
The White Theatre at The J (4/26 - 4/27) | ||
Kinnor Philharmonic New Year's Day Concert
The White Theatre at The J (1/1 - 1/1) | ||
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