The Mutual Musicians Foundation International (MMFI) holds its awards gala for surviving black musicians and performers of the "colored" unions begun by the American Federation of Musicians (AFofM.), beginning today, June 16 through June 18, 2016.
The foundation is requesting all who may have belonged to a segregated musicians union or were represented by a black organizer of the American Federation of Musicians, to please contact them with their information so that they can arrange for travel to Kansas City in June.Please send your information to:, or call (816) 612-0864 and you will be sent your travel arrangements. The deadline is April 31, 2016.
The Mutual Musicians Foundation, once known as Local 627 or, the "colored" musicians union, began March 2, 1917 as a charter of the AFofM. This National Historic Landmark located at 1823 Highland since 1930, is considered to be ground zero for what is known as one of the four pillars of the entire creation of jazz in American history.
"We recognize that few people in the world know of the contributions of these segregated unions to art and culture in America and since the desegregation era, many of these great musicians and performers are in their late 70's, 80's, and 90's and dying daily. We want to bring as many as we can find to Kansas City, do oral and video histories and preserve the memory of their talents for generations to come," said Anita J. Dixon, Executive Director of the MMFI.
For more details about the Mutual Musicians Foundation International (MMFI), visit or find them on Facebook at