MY TWO-TAILEd HallOWEEN CAT by Ric Averill
Ric Averill's Halloween play comes to life under the co-direction of Elizabeth Sullivan and Susanna Pitzer. 3rd grader Sydney (Celie Davison) loves football - which makes her the target of teasing by a few older girls who run the school playground.
When an odd Scientist (Jennifer Glenn) shows up at school, Sydney decides to show off and claim she owns a ‘two-tailed' cat. Her efforts to transform her pet fail and she searches on the Internet until she finds a link to WILLIAM THE WITCH-YOU-COULD-HAVE-EVERYTHING-YOU-WANT-WITCH, played by the amazing Jerry Mitchell. William helps her with her cat, her Dad and her friends. My Two TailEd Halloween Cat is a heart-warming comedy perfect for the season.
Oct. 29th & 30th at 7:00 PM
Tickets $8.50 adults, $6.50 students & seniors
Stop by the Lawrence Arts Center or call 785.843.2787 to reserve your tickets today!