The Kansas City Actors Theatre moves to Muehlebach Funeral Home for its production of Jeffrey Hatcher's Three Viewings. This dark comedy, set in a mid-western funeral home, explores love and death in a trilogy of touching and interconnected monologues. We meet three memorable characters Emil, a lovelorn funeral director with hidden depths of heart, Mac, a vivacious woman with a covert agenda and Virginia, whose husband's death leaves her with a new "view" into the love of her life.
The show features David Fritts as Emil, Katie Gilchrist as Mac and Jeanne Averill as Virginia Carpolotti. Melinda McCrary directs the show which runs from October 22 through November 10 with opening night on October 25th. Post-show discussions with the cast and director follow the October 24th, November 2nd and November 3rd performances. Tickets are on sale through the Central Ticket Office at 816-235-6222 or online at Muehlebach Funeral Home is located at 6800 Troost Ave., Kansas City, MO 64131.
Three Viewings is supported in part by a grant from The John C. Griswold Foundation.
Hatcher is an awarding-winning playwright, publishing more than 25 plays that have been produced on Broadway, Off-Broadway and regionally throughout the country. He co-wrote the book for The Coterie's Lucky Duck. Hatcher has also written extensively for film and television including screenplays for Casanova starring Heath Ledger and The Duchess with Kiera Knightly and episodes of the television series, Columbo.